Patrick Flynn

Westchester, NY
Born March 12, 2014

Patrick (middle) was the “5th Aidan Baby” – the fifth New York newborn diagnosed with ALD since passage of the state's version of Aidan’s Law in 2013. Patrick’s mom thought his ALD diagnosis was a death sentence. Today she realizes Patrick’s early diagnosis was “a gift.” He is getting a brain MRI every six months, he’s on a special diet and is taking Lorenzo’s Oil. And, if in the future, Patrick needs a bone marrow transplant he’s already got a matching donor: his sister Charlotte (left). Patrick turned 2 this year. Read about Patrick’s ALD Sibling Gavin (right).

Patrick was lucky to be born in New York, one of only two U.S. states currently screening newborns for ALD. Help make newborn screening of ALD a national law — Join the movement demanding the U.S. Congress votes YES on Aidan’s Law.



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