James Martin Luczak

Buffalo, NY
Born June 30, 1971

James (left) is known as “Marty” to friends and family, including Chase, his adult niece. Marty suffers from the adult form of onset ALD – AMN. In his forties today Marty came down with ALD symptoms in his early twenties. (He’s been in wheelchair almost ever since). He’s suffered from crippling pain, had back surgeries and has been on a two-decade diagnostic odyssey. It wasn’t until his great-niece Lyla, Chase's daughter, tested positive for ALD in 2014 that Marty knew to get an ALD test himself. (It came back positive.) Now he’s finally undergoing treatment for AMN. Marty turns 45 this year.

Marty was lucky to have a niece born in New York, one of only two U.S. states currently screening newborns for ALD. Help make newborn screening of ALD a national law — Join the movement demanding the U.S. Congress votes YES on Aidan’s Law.